Ph.D. in Demography
I am a sociologist and hold a Ph.D. in Demography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). I am currently an Assistant Research Scientist at the Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health, Indiana University Bloomington. My research focuses on developing better measures of abortion attitudes in the US across English- and Spanish-speaking populations and improving access to self-managed abortion among Latinx migrants in the US. I also study family formation processes and international migration with a focus on studying fertility patterns in postindustrial societies. I am interested in the role of gender egalitarianism, labor market institutions, and social policy in family formation. I have been affiliated to the Center for Demographic Studies (CED) in Barcelona between 2005 and 2020, and to Harvard University between 2014 and 2018. I have received several grants for my research, with projects and publications that you can learn more about below.
Gastón-Guiu, S. and Bueno, X. (2024). Gender, fertility, and employment among African women in Spain, 2000–2020. Migration Studies, 12(2).
Jozkowski, K.; Bueno, X., LaRoche, K.; Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W. (2024). Participant Driven Salient Beliefs Regarding Abortion: Implications for Abortion Attitude Measurement. Social Science Quarterly. (Online first)
Bueno, X., Lozano, M. and Adserà, A. (2023). Advanced or Postponed Motherhood? Migrants’ and Natives’ Gap between Ideal and Actual Age at First Birth in Spain. Demographic Research, 49(22): 565-600.
Jozkowski, K. Bueno, X., Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W. (2023). People's Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Abortion Laws Before and After the Dobbs v. Jackson Decision. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1): 1–22.
Bueno, X.; Asamoah, N.A.; LaRoche, K., Dennis, B.; Crawford, B., Turner, R., Lo, W. and Jozkowski, K. (2023). People’s perception of changes in their abortion attitudes over the life course: A mixed methods approach. Advances in Life Course Research, 57
Bueno, X.; Montenegro, M.; Lo, W.; Valdez, D.; Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Jozkowski, K. (2023). Migrant Generations and Abortion Circumstances: Assessing Latinxs’ Abortion Attitudes in the US. Sociological Inquiry, 94(1): 130-148.
Bueno, X., and Pardo, I. (2023). Gender-Role Attitudes and Fertility Ideals in Latin America. Journal of Population Research, 40(2).
Büyüker, B., LaRoche, K., Bueno, X.; Jozkowski, K.N., Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W. (2023). A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding the Disconnection between Perceptions of Abortion Acceptability and Support for Roe v. Wade Among US Adults. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 48 (4): 649–678.
Bueno, X., LaRoche, K., Crawford, B., Turner, R. and Lo, W.; Jozkowski, K., (2022). Do Fetal Development Markers Influence Attitudes toward Abortion Legality? Social Currents,10(2), 107–120.
Solon, M., LaRoche, K. J., Bueno, X., Crawford, B. L., Turner, R. C., Lo, W. J., & Jozkowski, K. N. (2022). Pro‐choice/pro‐elección versus pro‐life/pro‐vida: Examining abortion identity terms across English and Spanish in the United States. Social Science Quarterly 103: 1602– 1618.
Domingo, A., Bueno, X. y Treviño, R. (2021): El nuevo censo de 2021 en España: un debate metodológico, epistemológico y político pendiente. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 79(1).
Bueno, X. and García-Román, J. (2021): Rethinking couples’ fertility in Spain: education, employment and occupational homogamy. European Sociological Review, 37(4): 571-587.
Bueno, X. and Grau-Grau, M. (2021): Why Is Part-Time Unpaid Parental Leave (Still) Gendered? Narratives and Strategies of Couples in Spain. Journal of Family Issues, 42(3):503-526.
BUENO, X. (2020): Fertility Decisions in Transition: Young Adults’ Perceptions on Fertility Three Decades Apart in Spain. The History of the Family, 25(3): 386-405.
BUENO, X. and BRINTON, M.C. (2019): Gender egalitarianism, perceived economic insecurity, and fertility intentions in Spain: A qualitative analysis, Population Studies, 73(2): 247-260.
BUENO, X. and VIDAL-COSO, E. (2019): Vulnerability of Latin American Migrant Families Headed by Women in Spain During the Great Recession: A Couple-Level Analysis , Journal of Family Issues, 40(1), pp. 111-138.
BRINTON, M.C., BUENO, X., OLAH, L. and HELLUM, M. (2018). Postindustrial Fertility Ideals, Intentions, and Gender Inequality: A Comparative Qualitative Analysis. Population and Development Review, 44(2): 281-309.
BUENO, X. and VIDAL-COSO, E. (2017). Households economically headed by women in times of expansion and crisis: the case of Latin American migrants in Spain. Revista de Historiografía, 26, 273-296.
BUENO, X. and DE VALK, H. (2016). Arreglos familiares de los inmigrantes latinoamericanos en España. ¿Cambios en tiempos de crisis?. Notas de Población, 102, 123-148.
BUENO, X. and DOMINGO, A. (2016). La gestión de la interculturalidad en tiempos de crisis: el discurso de los técnicos municipales en Cataluña. Migraciones, 39, 45-71.
DOMINGO, A., TREVIÑO, R. and BUENO, X. (2012). Género y estrategias familiares en la migración interna e internacional en Cataluña. Revista de Demografía Histórica, XXIX, II, 2012, segunda época, 59-86.
ESTEVE, A. and BUENO, X. (2012). Marrying after migration: Assortative mating among Moroccans in Spain. Genus, 68(1) 41-62.
DEVOLDER, D. and BUENO, X. (2011). Interacciones entre fecundidad y migración. Un estudio de las personas nacidas en el extranjero y residentes en Cataluña en 2007. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 57(3), 441-466.
CORTINA, C., BUENO, X. and CASTRO, T. (2010). ¿Modelos familiares de aquí o de allá? Cohabitación y fecundidad fuera del matrimonio entre los latinoamericanos en España. América Latina Hoy, 55, 61-84.
ESTEVE, A. and BUENO, X. (2010). Tras el rastro estadístico de las uniones de inmigrantes en España. Revista de Estadística Española, 52, 173, 89-123.
BUENO, X. and VONO, D. (2009). Pautas reproductivas de las madres latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos y España a inicios del siglo XXI. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 15, 94-113.
BUENO X., Prieto-Rosas V. (2022) Migration Theories. In: Gu D., Dupre M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer, Cham
BUENO, X., OH, E. (2022) How Do Men Talk about Taking Parental Leave? Evidence from South Korea, Spain, and the U.S. In: Grau Grau M., las Heras Maestro M., Riley Bowles H. (eds) Engaged Fatherhood for Men, Families and Gender Equality. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 165-179.
BUENO, X. and DOMINGO, A. (2016). El discurso sobre la diversidad y la crisis económica. Retos para la gestión municipal de la inmigración in DOMINGO, Andreu (Ed.) (2016) Inmigración y diversidad en España. Crisis económica y gestión municipal. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. Procesos migratorios, 164, 99-128.
DOMINGO, A. and BUENO, X. (2016). La tentación pigmentocrática. Fisuras en el discurso intercultural. In DOMINGO, Andreu (Ed.) (2016) Inmigración y diversidad en España. Crisis económica y gestión municipal. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. Procesos migratorios, 164, 129-160.
BUENO, X. and TREVIÑO, R. (2015). Los municipios ante la disminución del Fondo para la Integración: percepciones desde la gestión local. In ARANGO, J.; MOYA, D.; OLIVER, J. And SÁNCHEZ, E. (Dir.): «Flujos cambiantes, atonía institucional». Anuario de la Inmigración en España 2014 (edición 2015), CIDOB, Barcelona, 249-276.
VIDAL-COSO, E. and BUENO, X (2015). Les altres catalanes: Calendaris de formació familiar de les migrants d'abans i d'ara. In DOMINGO, Andreu (Coord.) (2015). Recerca i Immigració VII. Migracions dels segles XX i XXI: una mirada candeliana. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Benestar Social i Família. Col·lecció Ciutadania i Immigració, 11, 167-192.
DE VALK, H. and BUENO, X. (2015). Living Arrangements, the Crisis and Mother’s Participation in the Labor Market. In Domingo, A., Sabater, A. and Verdugo, R. (Ed.) Demographic Analysis of Latin American Immigrants in Spain, Applied Demography Series 5. Springer International Publishing, 2015, 155–180.
DOMINGO, A., BUENO, X. and ESTEVE, A. (2014). El Rapto de las Latinas: Migración latinoamericana y mercado matrimonial en España. In COSIO-ZAVALA, M.E. and ROZÉE GÓMEZ, V. (Coords) Género en movimiento: familias y migraciones. México, El Colegio de México, 310.
BUENO, X. and VONO, D. (2010). Pautas reproductivas e inserción laboral de las madres latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos y España a inicios del siglo XXI. In BOLOGNA, E. (Ed.) Temáticas migratorias actuales en América Latina: remesas, políticas y emigración, UNFPA, Série Investigaciones 7, 185-215.
DEVOLDER, D.; BUENO, X.; GUMÀ, J.; TREVIÑO, R. y ZUERAS, P. (2010): Anàlisi de la fecunditat a partir de l’Enquesta demogràfica de Catalunya 2007, Quaderns d’Estadística num. 4 desembre 2010. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya (IDESCAT). 193 pp. ISBN: 978-84-393-8692-6
BUENO, X. and RAZQUIN, A. (2019): Ma(Pa)ternidades. Imaginarios, discursos y prácticas sociales (Coord.). Encrucijadas. Revista crítica de Ciencias Sociales, vol.18.
JURADO-GUERRERO, T. y BUENO, X. (2019): Avanzando hacia los permisos parentales igualitarios en España. Una conversación con Teresa Jurado-Guerrero, Encrucijadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales, 18: e1801.
PI: Xiana Bueno, Co-PI: Lucrecia Mena-Meléndez
Developing and Assessing Measures for Social Surveys (DAMSS)
PIs: Kristen Jozkoswki and Brandon Crawford
Funding: Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant Agreement No. 657030
Low fertility has been at the forefront of demographers’ research agendas in recent decades. Fertility rates in many developed societies, including Spain, have rapidly fallen below 1.5 children per woman. However, the ideal number of children remains centered at two children in most postindustrial countries. Many young adults say they would like to have two children, but they expect to have fewer. What explains this gap between fertility ideals and intentions? Understanding the reasoning behind the gap between ideal fertility and intended or realized fertility is key to helping young adults to meet their fertility aspirations. This research aims to better understand the reasoning behind young adults’ fertility decision-making. Three factors are explored in detail to reach this understanding: 1) the gap between relatively egalitarian gender-role attitudes and more traditional gender-role behaviors among Spanish couples, 2) the rigidity and precariousness of the labor-market structure for men and women’s fertility decision-making, and 3) the role of public institutions and family policies. Extensive scientific literature can be found focused on family formation dynamics and fertility, especially for European countries and mainly using a quantitative perspective. This qualitative project used an innovative methodology to analyze the Spanish case from a three different perspectives: an intra-country and cross-country comparison (comparing similar data from Spain, Sweden, the U.S., Japan and Korea in 2012), an historical comparison (comparing Spain 1985 vs. 2012) and a longitudinal comparison (comparing the same Spanish sample in 2012 and 2018).